Turkish cultural delegation cancels visit to Iran over coronavirus

TEHRAN – A Turkish cultural delegation that was scheduled to arrive in Tehran on Sunday canceled their visit due to the new coronavirus epidemic.
The delegation led by the general-director of the Libraries and Publication of Turkey’s Ministry of Culture, Hamdi Tursucu, was scheduled to discuss details about Turkey as the guest of honor at the 33rd Tehran International Book Fair (TIBF), which will be held from April 14 to 24.
The director of the public relations team for the fair, Seyyed Mohammad Tabatabai, announced on Sunday the organizers are considering the postponement of the event.
The organizers also announced on Saturday that they have suspended China’s presence in the event in an attempt to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.
The new coronavirus, known officially as COVID-19, appeared first in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December and has since spread globally. The World Health Organization has declared it a global health emergency.
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